
Time Evidence Fusion Network (TEFN):
Multi-source View in Long-Term Time Series Forecasting

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arxiv Python PyTorch nVIDIA Apple


🚩 News (2024.05.14) Compatible with MPS backend, TEFN can be trained by Apple.


This is the official code implementation project for paper “Time Evidence Fusion Network: Multi-source View in Long-Term Time Series Forecasting”. The code implementation refers to GitHub. Thanks very much for GitHub’s contribution to this project.

TEFN The Time Evidence Fusion Network (TEFN) is a groundbreaking deep learning model designed for long-term time series forecasting. It integrates the principles of information fusion and evidence theory to achieve superior performance in real-world applications where timely predictions are crucial. TEFN introduces the Basic Probability Assignment (BPA) Module, leveraging fuzzy theory, and the Time Evidence Fusion Network to enhance prediction accuracy, stability, and interpretability.

Key Features

Getting Started



Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/ztxtech/Time-Evidence-Fusion-Network.git
cd Time-Evidence-Fusion-Network
pip install -r requirements.txt


Download Dataset

You can obtain datasets from Google Drive or Baidu Drive, Then place the downloaded data in the folder./dataset.

Load Config

  1. Modify the specific configuration file in ./run_config.py.
config_path = '{your chosen config file path}'
  1. Run ./run_config.py directly.
python run_config.py

Switching Running Devices

  1. Find required configuration file *.json in ./configs.
  2. Modify *.json file.
  # ...
  # Nvidia CUDA Device {0}
  # 'gpu': 0
  # Apple MPS Device
  # 'gpu': 'mps'
  # ...

Other Operations

Other related operations refer to GitHub.


If you find TEFN useful in your research, please cite our work as per the citation.

      title={Time Evidence Fusion Network: Multi-source View in Long-Term Time Series Forecasting}, 
      author={Tianxiang Zhan and Yuanpeng He and Zhen Li and Yong Deng},


We appreciate the following GitHub repos a lot for their valuable code and efforts.

From Time Series Library

This library is constructed based on the following repos:

All the experiment datasets are public, and we obtain them from the following links:


If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact:

Or describe it in Issues.

Star History

Star History Chart